Patches of psoriasis

Completed a course of treatment, the period of remission. Plate disappear, but they often have residual patches of psoriasis, resembling the pigment.

The skin relief usually does not change, that is to say, not dimples or scars, but the red, dark blue or white spots also damage the appearance and disturb the patients.

The nature of dark and white marks psoriasis


According to scientists, the traces of psoriatic plaques arise as a result of active actions of the cytokines Il-17 and TNF-alpha.

When a recurrence of the psoriasis is in full swing in the field of the plaques is active inflammation, melanocytes, inhibiting the production of melanin.

Studies have shown that in the period of exacerbation of the inflammatory process, the number of melanocytes exceeds the norm by 2-3 times.

  • In the reduction of inflammation melanin begins to be produced, since the number of melanocytes decreases.
  • They produce more than the usual, and it leads to dark consequences of the spots of psoriasis.
  • With white spots all the way around. The production of melanin is interrupted and not restored.
  • The skin in this place can not be painted.

As a general rule, in the absence of exacerbation in the same place for a long time, the pigmentation go away on their own once the production of melanin will be normal.

Blue and red points

Many patients complain that remain after the treatment, traces of red or blue.

This happens for a simple reason: the inflammation of the psoriasis does not disappear until in the end, only muted.

I don't know how to remove red spots from psoriasis? Just continue to smear them with the same tool, which was used in a relapse. Especially often the red pigmentation of the rest in the treatment of:

  • Salicylic ointment.
  • Salicylic zinc pasta.
  • Tar.
  • Camphor ointment.

If nothing helps, then consult your doctor how to remove red spots of psoriasis.

For those who doubt, will help folk medicine.

Apple cider vinegar

How to get rid of spots

The popular method recommends a simple, but effective recipes to lighten skin pigmentation:

  • 50 ml of juice of cucumber + 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide (3%). RUB it through a day. Normally, it is used for dark pigmentation.
  • To make homemade Apple cider vinegar. To make it soaked cotton or gauze for 10 minutes. It also helps with patches of blue.
  • Candy pharmacy in the form of infusion should apply to the darkened areas to lighten.
  • Perennial bright spots of psoriasis may be removed surgically to transplant melanocytes. The method advises to use the juice of the leaves of plants, legumes and the juice of the stems of figs. RUB on the site of the light for a few minutes.
  • Light stains can be removed with the help of tincture of rhubarb. Smear 3 times a day.

Some people help to remove dark pigmentation from tanning under the sun or in the tanning bed, in addition, this method does not work.

A unique cure for all, to eliminate years of staining of the psoriasis are not found, such as the treatment of this disease. Here the great role played by the individual characteristics of each organism.